Children working outside on project
Transportation » School Cancellation

School Cancellation

If conditions warrant school cancellations, PTS will endeavor to notify the media prior to 6:00 a.m. 
School Delay Policy
If a school delay is announced, the delay will be for ALL Portage Township Schools and ALL students that live in the Portage area going to another district, K-12, and the length of the declared delay will be for two (2) hours.  There will be NO AM Kindergarten classes for Jones Elementary school.  When a two (2) hour delay is announced, the school starting times will be as follows:
  • Elementary Schools - 9:55 a.m.
  • Portage High School - 9:30 a.m.
  • Fegely Middle School - 10:25 a.m.
  • Willowcreek Middle School - 10:25 a.m.
Bus times will be approximately two hours later than regular times (i.e. if your bus pick-up is normally 6:55 a.m., the adjusted time would be 8:55 a.m.)
If a delay is declared and conditions do not improve, a school cancellation notice will be announced. 
Emergency Dismissal
(When School is in Session)
Should an early dismissal be necessary due to weather conditions or other safety-related concerns, every effort will be made to announce the dismissal least one and one-half (1/1/2) hours prior to the actual dismissal times.  If all schools are dismissed, the secondary schools will be dismissed prior to dismissing elementary schools.  A notification to this effect will be issued to the media and will also be posted on this website. 
  • When schools are closed, all extra-curricular activities will be cancelled.
  • It is crucial that each family develop a "Plan of Action" for their children to follow in the event school dismisses early.  Waiting for the emergency is too late and may cause much anxiety.
  • The State of Indiana mandates that in many situations a scheduled school day that is cancelled must be made-up.  In the event a make-up day is necessary, parents will be informed.